About two years ago, I was in this cute little card shop in the funky town of Woodstock, NY and my eye caught a handmade card of an ink drawing of Benjamin Franklin with his quote : God Heals and the Doctor Takes the Fee.
Intuitively, I bought the card and placed it on a shelf in my studio, where I can see it and think about it almost every day.
This Karrik card is hand designed and printed with an old letterpress! |
Ben was also a revolutionary thinker. And as an open-minded revolutionary thinker, he was not afraid to express his beliefs about many things, including his belief in God.
So what does “God Heals and the Doctor Takes the Fee” mean?
To me, it means thinking of God independent of any religion. God created each one of us and we ALL have the power to connect with Him. God has blessed each of us with a Divine Light or Holy Spirit that can guide us to our true selves. And your true self is Unconditional Love! We have a connection to God within us and we are never separate from him. Never!
All healing comes from within. It doesn’t matter what medicine you take, or what therapy you choose. It doesn’t matter if you take a conventional path or choose an alternative path. What matters is that the path that you choose resonates with you and that the doctor or practitioner that you choose also resonates with you, too. Remember that healing comes from within and every doctor knows this.
When I first walked into Dr. Gurevich’s office, I clearly remember him saying that he could help me to get well. But I knew, in my heart, that it was up to me to HEAL! And for me to heal, I had to see myself as a HEALER! So, with the help of Dr. Gurevich and his holistic approach to healing, I began to see, feel and experience the HEALER within me.
By connecting to the Divine Light or Holy Spirit within us, we are connecting to God. God is Love and Love is the greatest healer!
So how can we connect to the healing God within us?
Prayer and meditation have been proven to put you in a healing and positive state. (Click Prayers, Blessings and Healing Affirmations for more info)
Here is a meditation that was given to me by Dr. Gurevich to help undo the ego (thoughts of fear, anger, worry , guilt, etc.) and retrain your thoughts to “what is real, what is true and of God”.
Meditation: Do 5 minutes a day – On Waking and at Bedtime To Undo the Ego and Wake Up
“Turn your mind, your thoughts and you day over to the Holy Spirit. Give it back charge and control. Let it be the boss instead of the ego.
Ask the Holy Spirit to help you, forgive, heal and correct your mind so you can experience only what is real and true and of God.
Close your eyes. See a beautiful white light that extends everywhere without limit – soothing, pure love coming toward you: Just before it gets to you, imagine an altar appearing just before you. On the altar, place all your desires, dreams, goals and plans – whatever you think you need to make you happy. Watch them disappear into the light, a gift from God.
Also, place your worries, problems, fears, illnesses, and all sense of darkness, limitations or guilt on the altar. See it disappear into the light. Feel the light surround and envelop you, becoming one with the light, pure love extending in all directions infinitely – feel yourself going on forever; one with God, pure love, pure joy – nothing missing – feeling full and complete. Feel you are the same and one with God. The body disappears. We are everywhere expanding forever in all directions – pure spirit.
Say to God: Father – I love you – thank you for always loving me and creating me exactly like you – we are one. Thank you for always being with me, caring for me, protecting me, watching over me. Thank you for the experience of being with you forever.
Feel that everyone you have ever known and loved, people, animals, are here with you as one. Get lost in God’s love within the light. Feel the deep love and gratitude you have for God and God’s love for you.
Stay in the silence immersed in the light for 5 minutes. Open your eyes and ask the Holy Spirit to help you remember this feeling of love and oneness with God. Throughout the day if anything disturbs your peace or irritates you, make contact with the Holy Spirit and ask it to help you forgive anything in your mind having to do with this, to heal it and correct your mind so that you can know and remember what is true and of God.”
Another powerful and effective way to connect to the healer within is through tapping. Tapping or Mental Field Therapy is a profound healing tool that can help you to overcome anxiety, fear, pain, past emotional trauma and unresolved emotional conflicts, etc., by simply tapping on acupuncture points. I was introduced to tapping by Dr. Rasa and Dr. Gurevich who practice MFT to help heal their patients.
MFT has given me the power to overcome many fears by bringing my fear into my consciousness and replacing the fear with loving affirmations. My affirmations had to include this phrase - “with the help of God, I can dissolve this fear and be healthy and whole “ in order to overcome the belief that I didn’t have the power to heal myself. Believing and saying that God was within me and helping me was essential for my healing and correcting my ego thoughts. (See Mental Field Therapy and my post, I think I’m Getting The Fear for my own MFT sessions)
Healing Blessings to all of you!!
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